Relation between drilling parameters and the basic parameters of surface mining system of limestone quarries
  • Affiliations:

    1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất

  • Received: 27th-Feb-2013
  • Revised: 14th-Apr-2013
  • Accepted: 30th-Apr-2013
  • Online: 30th-Apr-2013
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The research on the relationship between blasting parameters and the basic parameters of surface mining system, especially for the limestone quarries, takes an important meanings in science and practice. For obtaining good blasting resutl, the explosive energy should be evenly distributed in the rockmass, and this leads to the decrease of useless blasting energy such as blast vibration, air blast, fly rocks, overbreak,... Therefore, high blasting efficiency also leads to the decrease of harmfull blasting effects. To get the above-metioned results, the explosive column should be placed at the center position of the bench on the limestone quarries, and for this reason, the depedent relationship between blasting parameters and the basic parameters of surface mining system of limestone quaries should be studied.

How to Cite
Le, Q.Van 2013. Relation between drilling parameters and the basic parameters of surface mining system of limestone quarries (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 42 (Apr, 2013).

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