Pipeline and flow assurance solutions of oil and gas transportation from WHP-DH2 wellhead platform to FPU-DH1 platform at Dai Hung Oil Field

  • Affiliations:

    1 Khoa Dầu khí , Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam;
    2 Tổng công ty Thăm dò Khai thác Dầu khí (PVEP), Việt Nam;
    3 Công ty điều hành thăm dò khai thác dầu khí trong nước (PVEP-POC), Việt Nam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 15th-June-2018
  • Revised: 20th-July-2018
  • Accepted: 31st-Aug-2018
  • Online: 31st-Aug-2018
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Dai Hung Oil Field, located in Block 05-1a, started to operate in 1994. In phase 2 of the development, the WHP-DH2 wellhead platform was set up. After having been put into operation since August 2011, the WHP-DH2 wellhead platform has revealed several problems which need to be solved in order to improve the efficiency of product transportation and the sustainability of the oil field. Moreover, the operator has to adjust their productions quantity due to the significant decrease in global crude oil price recently. Therefore, a research on pipeline and flow assurance of oil and gas transportation from WHP-DH2 wellhead platform to FPU-DH1 platform at Dai Hung Oil Field has never been more imperative. Research on oil and gas transportation in pipelines includes deposition control of solid materials such as hydrate, wax, asphaltene…. This article presents results of the research on flow regime, hydraulic parameters, heat and internal corrosion rate of the transportation pipeline from WHP-DH2 wellhead platform to FPU-DH1 platform at Dai Hung Oil Field by taking advantage of experimental equations. These results are then compared with the simulation model solved by PIPESIM software using data obtained at this Oil Field. Based on that, suitable solutions to properly control the transportation pipeline from WHP-DH2 wellhead platform to FPU-DH1 platform at Dai Hung Oil Filed in the future stage will be recommended

How to Cite
Nguyen, T.Van, Nguyen, A.Hai and Nguyen, H.Thanh 2018. Pipeline and flow assurance solutions of oil and gas transportation from WHP-DH2 wellhead platform to FPU-DH1 platform at Dai Hung Oil Field (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 59, 4 (Aug, 2018).

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