Prediction of ground surface settlement induced by twin shield tunnellings in urban conditions

- Authors: Thai Ngoc Do *, Truong Duc Nguyen
Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 10th-Sept-2020
- Revised: 20th-Jan-2021
- Accepted: 12th-Feb-2021
- Online: 30th-Apr-2021
- Section: Civil Engineering
Tunneling in urban areas is growing in response to the increased needs for efficient transportation. Many urban tunnels are constructed in soft ground at shallow depths. Metro tunnels are usually constructed as twin-parallel tunnels and their adjacent constructions may lead to surface deformation, affecting the surface environment and the safety of the tunnels. Shield tunnelling is a commonly used as construction technique because it is very effective in reducing ground deformations and thus damage to urban infrastructure. The paper presents a 3D simulation of shield tunneling machines via the finite element code Abaqus and analysis model of ground surface settlements induced by a construction of twin-parallel tunnels. The results show that ground surface settlements induced by a construction of the left tunnel causes surface settlements of about 22÷24 mm and after the construction of both tunnels, it will cause ground subsidence has the greatest value of 33÷35 mm.

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