Evaluating the desplacement of local quasigeoid relative to global quasigeoid at the tidegauge Hon Dau

- Authors: Lan Hoang Pham 1, M Yu, Neyman 2, S L, Sugaipova 2
1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất;
2 Trường Đại học Tổng hợp quốcgia Trắc địa và Bản đồ
- Received: 4th-Dec-2012
- Revised: 13th-Jan-2013
- Accepted: 30th-Jan-2013
- Online: 30th-Jan-2013
- Section: Applied sciences
Based on the generalized Bruns formula and using the GPS-levelling data for more than 800 points evenly destributed in Vietnam,s territory and some modernst EGMs there was carried out evaluating the displacement of a local quasigeoid relative to a global one at the tidegauge Hon Dau. The corresponding value is about 0,4 m and has the error of 0,2 m which is typical for various regions in the world

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