Geological setting and gold mineralisation characteristics at the Me Xi, Vinh Linh, Quang Tri, Vietnam

- Authors: Truong Xuan Le 1,2 *, Hai Thanh Tran 1, Khin Zaw 3, Thu Thi Le 1
1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam 2Center for Excellence in Analysis and Experiment, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam 3CODES ARC Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 126, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Gold deposit, Me Xi, Truong Son.
- Received: 19th-May-2024
- Revised: 31st-Aug-2024
- Accepted: 15th-Sept-2024
- Online: 1st-Dec-2024
- Section: Geology - Mineral
The Me Xi gold deposit is located in Vinh Linh, Quang Tri, Truong Son Fold Belt, Vietnam, about 45 km to the east of the Sepon Mineral District, Laos PDR. Gold mineralisation at Me Xi is predominantly hosted in siltstone and subordinate calcareous siltstone, sandstone, shale, black shale and calcareous shale of Ordovician - Early Silurian Long Dai formation that were metamorphosed at greenschist facies. The igneous rocks that are closest to Me Xi deposit include undated porphyritic dolerite and mafic dykes. Two gold mineralisation zones consisting of eight mineralised bodies have been recorded, in which the main zone is ~ 640 m long and ~10÷60 m wide. The largest gold mineralisation body has a length of ~220 m and a width of ~0.5÷3 m. Gold mineralisation occurred mainly as stockwork quartz-sulphide veins that were typically characterised by the brittle deformation of host rocks. At least four hydrothermal stages were observed at the deposit, of which gold was accumulated in the stage 2 veins and possibly stage 3 veins that has similar mineralogical assemblage and alteration patterns to those of the stage 2. These stockwork stages 2 and 3 veins predominantly consist of pyrite and minor chalcopyrite, gold, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite and galena in association with strong silicification, chloritisation, sericitisation and subordinate decalcification. The pre-Au stage 1 veins are rarely observed, but this hydrothermal stage records an initial deformation of the host sequence. The post-Au stage 4 is characterised by carbonate-rich quartz stockwork veins with local patches of sulphides.

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