Research and calculation on the movement and deformation of surface rock in Khe Cham II-IV underground coal mine
- Authors: Sy Van Nguyen 1, Lam Thanh Vu 2, Thanh Van Tran 3, Phuc Quang Le 3
1 Trường Cao đẳng nghề mỏ Hữu nghị Việt Xô;
2 Tập đoàn CN Than – KS Việt Nam;
3 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 14th-June-2013
- Revised: 13th-July-2013
- Accepted: 30th-July-2013
- Online: 30th-July-2013
- Section: Mining Engineering
The underground exploitation creates the voids in underground which changes the nature stress in rock mine, creating some types of vertical deformations: inclined, curved, twisted displacement and horizontal ones: elasticity and movement. This deformation and displacement can result in depression, collapse, cracks at surface area. Therefore, to ensure safety when designing the mining Khe Cham II-IV under opencast pits the time to identify dangerous deformation of rock is very important. Therefore, the paper offers the results calculated by the method of research VNIMI Institute (Russian) which the plausible reference foundation which enables to plan the extracting schedule, guaranteeing the effective combination between opencast and underground mining in this area
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