Assessmentof removal efficiency of the nutrient-contaminated water bycommon reed (Phragmites australis)
  • Affiliations:

    1 Khoa Môi trường và Tài nguyên, Đại học Nông lâm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam;
    2 Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Công nghệ Môi trường và Quản lý Tài nguyên thiên nhiên, Đại học Nông lâm Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 10th-Jan-2019
  • Revised: 20th-Feb-2019
  • Accepted: 29th-Apr-2019
  • Online: 29th-Apr-2019
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*This article has been corrected. See Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. DOI: 03.docx


The studying objectivesaimed to determined the nutrients removal ability from contaminated surface water byconstructed wetland technology for agricultural irrigation. The researching model was set up with two hydraulic loadings of 500mL/min/m2 (T1) and 1500mL/min/m2 (T2) to compare the nutrientstreatment efficiency bycommon reed (Phragmites australis). Post-treatment results at Loadings 1 and 2 were quite low in the levels of N-NH4+; N-NO3-; N-NO2-; and PO43-. In particular, the studying results of Loading 1 was greater than the Loading 2 and there was a significant difference (pvalue<0.05). In Loading 1, the nutrientsremoval efficiency were 95% (TP); 54% (PO43-); 74% (TKN); and 68% (N-NH4+), respectively. Therefore, the studying model showed the compatibility with the environmentally friendly trend and meeting the demand for sustainable development

How to Cite
Nguyen, K.Minh, Nguyen, M.Cong, Nguyen, H.Quang Tri, Phan, M.Van and Phan, S.Thai 2019. Assessmentof removal efficiency of the nutrient-contaminated water bycommon reed (Phragmites australis) (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 60, 2 (Apr, 2019).

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