Crossover Adjustment Applied in Marine Gravity Data Processing: an example of a Dataset Surrounding Bach Long Vi Island, Vietnam

- Authors: Bui Khac Luyen *, Nguyen Van Lam, Tran Thi Thu Trang
Faculty of Geomatics and Land Administration, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Crossover adjustment, Gravity, Marine gravimetry, Shipborne gravimetry
- Received: 8th-Feb-2019
- Revised: 15th-May-2019
- Accepted: 30th-June-2019
- Online: 30th-June-2019
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
Marine gravity anomalies have usually been being used for a number of scientific purposes such as geodesy, geophysics, geology and so on. After surveying, gravity anomaly measurements are normally calculated and adjusted to detect and reduce some error sources, including gross and systematic errors, and/or to remove blunders. After detecting and removing possible blunders, data processing will be continued with the application of crossover adjustment to the remaining measurements. This paper presents the result of applying crossover adjustment to process marine gravity dataset surrounding Bach Long Vi island, Vietnam. The crossover adjustment reduced the standard deviation of the 291 crossover points detected from 62 ship tracks from 2.38 mgal to 1.89 mgal.

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