Assess the current situation of generation, collection, treatment and forecast of rural domestic solid waste in some provinces in the Red River Delta
  • Affiliations:

    Khoa Môi trường, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam

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  • Received: 11st-Aug-2019
  • Revised: 6th-Sept-2019
  • Accepted: 31st-Oct-2019
  • Online: 31st-Oct-2019
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The unappropriated collected and treated solid waste is the one of main sources of severe pollution of the environment in rural area in our country. There is a very dense population in Red River Delta compared to the other areas in our country. Most of that population live in the rural area. The solid municipal waste management has been raising in rural areas recently. This study uses the methodologies of secondary data collection, survey and public consultation to determine the total amount of solid municipal waste created from nine provinces ofRed River Delta which are 1,572,519.8 tons per year. The total amount of collected waste is 1,246,988 tons per year which counts 79.3% of total waste. However, there is different in waste collection rate between provinces, which ranges from 67% to 95%. Only 2.67% of solid waste are separated at the sources (equal to 42,077 tons per year). Currently, there are 4 treatment methods to treat solid municipal waste in the study area. The landfilling helps to treat 52.46% of total amount of solid waste. 15.49% of total solid waste is treated by combustion. 1.16% of total solid waste is composted. The rest amount of 30.89% is self-treated by residents by combustion, dumping of composting in their property gardens. It is estimated that the amount of rural domestic solid waste generated by the nine studied provinces in 2034 will reach 4,198,819.5 tons. To contribute to rural development for Red River Delta towards sustainability, the improvement of solid waste management is essential. The management includes waste separation, collection, storage and treatment of solid waste in order to protect our living environment.

How to Cite
Nguyen, H.Mai 2019. Assess the current situation of generation, collection, treatment and forecast of rural domestic solid waste in some provinces in the Red River Delta (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 60, 5 (Oct, 2019).

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