Land evaluation and oriented agricultural land use efficiency and sustainability in Tien Lang district, Hai Phong city

- Authors: Long Ba Nguyen *
Viện Quản lý đất đai và Phát triển nông thôn, Trường Đại học Lâm nghiệp, Việt Nam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 15th-Aug-2017
- Revised: 18th-Oct-2017
- Accepted: 29th-Dec-2017
- Online: 29th-Dec-2017
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
The research aims to determine the theoretical and scientific basis for agricultural land evaluation; proposing orientation and solutions to effective and sustainable agricultural land in Tien Lang district, Hai Phong city. The scope of the investigation is 10,030.34 ha of agricultural land; 300 households and individuals representing for land use types in communes of the district were interviewed, apply the FAO method by scoring each indicator and factor of land quality evaluation in combination with limiting factor. of which the land area with high suitability for 12 crops occupying 43.21% of surveyed area. Highly suitable land area for soybean, tobaco, potato, and rice occupying from 62.87 to 67.64% of surveyed are, thus these crops are appropriate to expand the cultivation area and develop the concentration production area; while the highly suitable land area for ground nut, tomato, cabbage, chili, sweet potato occupying less share (from 14.61 to 32.86%) of surveyed area. The orientation of agricultural land use to 2020 is to ensure the cultivation land area of 24644.2 hectares with the land use rate of 2.46 times, which is 0.2 times higher than in 2015. Orientated gross output of agricultural product (from cultivated land) to 2020 is 2,333 billion VND per year, which is 0,64 times higher than 2015. All land use models based on the proposed alternative plan for pronouncedly suitable sites resulted in high economic efficiency compared to the control models (the gross output increased 0.16 to 0.29 times; the mix income increased from 0.16 to 0.45 times as valuable as the control ones).

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