Development of a new analytical model for the network-type tunnel ventilation systems

- Authors: Kim Hyo-Gyu 1 *, Ryu Ji-Oh 2, Nguyen Van Duc 3, Lee4 Chang-Woo, Le5 Qui Thao
1 Jusung G & B Inc., Seoul, Korea;
2 Dept. of Automotive Engineering, Shin-Han University, Uijeongbu, Korea;
3 Energy and Mineral Resources Engineering Departement, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea;
4 Energy and Mineral Resources Engineering Departement, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea;
5 Mining Engineering Departement, Universiy of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Tunnel ventilation, Hardy-Cross, Ventilation efficiency
- Received: 12th-Sept-2017
- Revised: 15th-Nov-2017
- Accepted: 29th-Dec-2017
- Online: 29th-Dec-2017
- Section: Mining Engineering
Recently, various shapes of the ventilation split have been designed for urban underground vehicle tunnels at home and abroad. This requires a special analytical method different from the case of single-tube tunnels. However, since there is no design standard suggested for the analysis of network-type tunnel ventilation system, the various methods and tools have been widely applied. This study aims at deriving an analytical model appropriate for the network-type tunnel ventilation design. Hardy-Cross iteration method among the existing analytical techniques for network-type tunnel ventilation systems is relatively straightforward to understand and accordingly has been widely applied to the mine as well as tunnel ventilation systems. However, several limitations have been reported such as truncation errors associated with Taylor series expansion and convergence errors due to the mesh selection algorithm for the large-scale network-type tunnels. In this study, a new model to analyze the network-type tunnel ventilation system without mesh selection required for the Hardy-Cross iteration method is developed and its applicability is evaluated. The ultimate goal is to suggest an analytical method easy to apply for the network-type tunnel ventilation systems.

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