Influence of vertical refraction on the precission of laser measurement in underground mines

- Authors: Dung Ngoc Vo 1
1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 26th-May-2012
- Revised: 14th-July-2012
- Accepted: 30th-July-2012
- Online: 30th-July-2012
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
Abstract. When laser beam passes from a medium of one density into a medium of a different density, the rays change in direction (bend). The change in direction is called refraction. Since sight lines are light rays, they are refracted, or bent, by changes in the underground mining atmosphere, causing errors in angular, distance and elevation measurement. The influence of vertical refraction on the precission of laser measurement in underground mines is discussed

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