Multi-criteria analysis in mapping of forest fire risk prediction
  • Affiliations:

    Khoa Trắc địa - Bản đồ và Quản lý đất đai, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 15th-Mar-2017
  • Revised: 15th-July-2017
  • Accepted: 31st-Aug-2017
  • Online: 31st-Aug-2017
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Warning and preventing forest fires to protect forest ecosystems is essential and must be managed and monitored effectively. GIS is a superior spatial analysis tool combined with a multi-criteria analysis that predicts and assesses where and when forest fire risks occur. The experimental area is Ba Vi district, where the natural national park was located as the largest forest acreage in Ha Noi that needs to be preserved. Nine factors, divided into groups of combustible materials, fire agents, weather agents, and natural elements extracted from remote sensing data, topographic maps, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were assigned different weights depending on the level of influence, according to Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result map of forest fire occurrence prediction is presented in four levels: low, medium, high and very high, then compared to the Global Fire Management System. The result showed grass, shrubs, pine forest, acacia, etc. and area that near the residential has the higher probability of forest fires at dry season (8.92% of total area), needs to perform effective forest fire prevention first.

How to Cite
Do, T.Phuong Thi, Nguyen, H.Manh, Vu, L.Khanh and Nguyen, D.Danh 2017. Multi-criteria analysis in mapping of forest fire risk prediction (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 58, 4 (Aug, 2017).

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