Some new research outcomes of wolframite-tin-polymetallic metallization in the Huoi Chun area, Huaphanh province, Lao people’s democratic republic (LPDR)

Northern Geological Mapping Division, Vietnam 2 Geological Division for Radioactive and Rare Elements, Vietnam 3 Faculty of Environment, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Huaphanh province, Huoi Chun tungsten, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LPDR), TIN - Polymetallic metallization.
- Received: 11st-Feb-2020
- Revised: 6th-Mar-2020
- Accepted: 29th-Apr-2020
- Online: 28th-Apr-2020
- Section: Geology - Mineral
The paper focuses on clarifying the characteristics of tungsten, tin - polymetallic ore mineralization in the Huoi Chun area based on applying traditional geological methods, collecting documents, methods of studying ore material composition, and legal statistic. The findings are as follows: Mineral ores were generated mainly by material deposition, crystallization of hydrothermal solution, and filling fracture systems. The main minerals occurred in the study area are tungsten, tin, copper, zinc, bismuth. Tungsten, tin-polymetallic metallization was generated in 3 hydrothermal episodes. The symbiotic wolframite - bismuth mineral symbiosis is a discovery of the authors' collective during the implementation of the The paper introduces several new research results on the metallization of wolfram, tin - polymetallic in Huoi Chun area based on the application of traditional geological methods combining with the research method of ore material composition and the statistical mathematics. The research results draw some conclusions: Ore minerals in Huoi Chun area are formed mainly by the way of material deposition, crystallized from hydrothermal solution, filling various fracture systems with different development directions. The main minerals in the region are wolfram, tin, copper, zinc and bismuth; the metallization of wolfram, tin- polymetallic is formed during the hydrothermal ore creation, including three stages corresponding to three mineral paragenesis assemblage; in particular, the mineral paragenesis assemblage of the abiogenesis wolframite - bismuth is a new discovery of the authors. The Sn, Cu, Pb, Zn, As and Cd elements have a relatively close correlation with each other, which is a specific combination of elements for the II (two) mineralization phase and the W, Co and Bi elements is typical for the III (three) mineralization phase of the hydrothermal ore creation period. The metallization of wolfram, tin - polymetallic is formed which might be related to the intrusive magma activity that occurred during the Mesozoic - Cenozoic period (?).

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