A 2-D numerical model of the mechanical behavior of the textile-reinforced concrete composite material: effect of textile reinforcement ratio

1 Department of Mechanisms of Materials, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam 2 Université de LYON, Université Claude Bernard LYON 1; Laboratoire des Matériaux Composites pour la Construction LMC2, France
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Basalt textile, Mechanical behavior, Numerical modelling, Textile-reinforced concrete (TRC), Reinforcement ratio.
- Received: 8th-Feb-2020
- Revised: 17th-May-2020
- Accepted: 30th-June-2020
- Online: 28th-June-2020
- Section: Mining Engineering
The textile-reinforced concrete composite material (TRC) consists of a mortar/concrete matrix and reinforced by multi-axial textiles (carbon fiber, glass fiber, basalt fiber, etc.). This material has been used widely and increasingly to reinforce and/or strengthen the structural elements of old civil engineering structures thanks to its advantages. This paper presents a numerical approach at the mesoscale for the mechanical behavior of TRC composite under tensile loading. A 2-D finite element model was constructed in ANSYS MECHANICAL software by using the codes. The experimental results on basalt TRC composite from the literature were used as input data in the numerical model. As numerical results, the basalt TRC provides a strain-hardening behavior with three phases, depending on the number of basalt textile layers. In comparison with the experimental results, it could be found an interesting agreement between both results. A parametric study shows the significant influence of the reinforcement ratio on the ultimate strength of the TRC composite. The successful finite element modeling of TRC specimens provides an economical and alternative solution to expensive experimental investigations.

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