Comparison of slug test methods to determine conductivity of Holocen aquifer, Dan Phuong area

- Authors: Thao Bach Nguyen 1*
1 Faculty of Geosciences and Geoengineering, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Dan Phuong, Hydraulics conductivity, Porous aquifer, PST, Slug test experiments.
- Received: 15th-June-2020
- Revised: 23rd-July-2020
- Accepted: 31st-Aug-2020
- Online: 31st-Aug-2020
- Section: Geology - Mineral
Two different slug test methods including: i) slug test using the standard slug rod and ii) pneumatic slug test are conducted in different well/depth in Danphuong field site for a comparative analysis. These methods are examined at least 3 times for each well to estimate hydraulic conductivities by using Hvorslev. The results show correlation between two slug test methods is very hight with R2 = 0,93. Slug tests methods have several advantages and also disadvantage compare to each other. Practical considerations of performing the tests in real life settings are also considered in the method comparison. The slug-rod method meets 7/10 criterions while pneumatic slug test satisfy 8/10 criterions.

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