Research on application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in cadastral mapping of arable land

  • Affiliations:

    1 Faculty of Geomatics and Land Administration, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
    2 Phu Tho Department of Natural Resouces and Environment, Vietnam
    3 Department of Operations, General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Vietnam
    4 Land survey consultant joint stock company, Vietnam
    5 Department of Surveying and Map Vietnam , Vietnam6 University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 16th-Sept-2020
  • Revised: 3rd-Oct-2020
  • Accepted: 31st-Oct-2020
  • Online: 31st-Oct-2020
Pages: 43 - 53
Views: 2213
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Cadastral maps are an important part of cadastral documents, they are legal component of land administration in local authorities. Traditionally, a cadastral map is established by using land surveying methods which can provide high accuracy as required. In recent years, the UAV devices are developed and can provide an accurately tool for cadastral mapping on arable lands. This paper presents an evaluation of UAV application in cadastral mapping in comparison with traditional surveying for arable land. The results show that using UAV images in the mapping of agricultural land can achieve ground accuracy of 1,7 cm and height accuracy of 0,6 cm; In addition, when comparing the average accuracy of the 30 plot vertices and the mean lengths from 29 pairs of edges between the newly created map from the UAV image data and the map provided by the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Phu Tho province, respectively is: 0,181 m and: 0,051 m.

How to Cite
Bui, Q.Ngoc, Pham, T.Anh, Duong, Q.Anh, Pham, H.Van, Tran, K.Trung, Hoang, T.Xuan, Nguyen, D.Dai, Nguyen, D.Danh and Nguyen, H.Viet 2020. Research on application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in cadastral mapping of arable land (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 61, 5 (Oct, 2020), 43-53. DOI:

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