Geological region by multi-signal method of gravity anomaly data in central Vietnam area

1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 University of Geology and Exploration named Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, Russia
3 General Department of Geology and Minerals, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: COSCAD-3D, Dị thường trọng lực Bughe, Lọc hai chiều, Phương pháp đa dấu hiệu, Xác suất thống kê.
- Received: 11st-May-2021
- Revised: 16th-Aug-2021
- Accepted: 15th-Sept-2021
- Online: 31st-Oct-2021
- Section: Oil and Gas
This paper presents the research results of applying the combined method of probabilistic statistical approaches, energy density spectral correlation, two-dimensional filtering in dynamic sliding windows, full horizontal gradient and heterogeneous axis tracking method to process and interpret the Bughe gravitational anomaly field in central area Vietnam. The calculation results have shown the superiority of the twodimensional filter in dynamic sliding windows compared to the filters in fixed windows in GEOSOFT software, GMT software. According to the physical characteristics of the field, the study area was divided into 13 homogeneous classes, this result is consistent with the geological-tectonic data in the area. In the north and northeast, the stabilized rock layers are characterized by homogeneous layers that extend in the northwestsoutheast direction. In the south and southwest, there is complex tectonic activity characterized by high density rock layers overlain by low density rock layers in each fault band with different directions of development. This suggests that there may be deeply buried mineral deposits of magmatic origin in central area Vietnam.

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