Applying AES algorithm for secure data transmission between Sensor node and LoRa Gateway to Web Server

- Authors: Chi Van Dang 1*, Khoat Duc Nguyen 1, Luc The Nguyen1, Dung Ngoc Le 2, Quan Hong Luu 2, Son Thanh Huynh 2
1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Dong Nai Technology University, Dong Nai, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: AES algorithm, Data transmission, Internet of Thing (IoT), Security LoRa Gateway, Web server.
- Received: 1st-Sept-2021
- Revised: 20th-Dec-2021
- Accepted: 18th-Jan-2022
- Online: 28th-Feb-2022
- Section: Electro-Mechanics
Lora Gateway is an intermediary device that can connect devices in the IoT system. IoT is the Internet of Things, consisting of a system of interrelated digital and mechanical devices and machines, capable of transmitting data over a network without requiring human-computer interaction. Lora is a long distance wireless communication technology that enables communication over a wide range between devices. Through this device, the Sensor nodes in the IoT system can transmit and receive data by LoRa waves to the Gateway and by Wifi/3G to the web server via the Internet. Data communicates in the internet environment, so important information needs to be protected by data encryption. This paper presents research and application of 128-bit AES symmetric encryption algorithm in LoRa wide area sensor network to secure data transmission between IoT devices and web server through LoRa Gateway device. The research team has designed and built models for testing sensor stations with integrated humidity and temperature sensors, LoRa Gateway integrating Lora module and wifi/3G module, developing the interface on web server with decoding, monitoring, and data storage features, and proposing a solution with AES encryption algorithm and architecture applied in the development of embedded software for LoRa module. The research results are tested on the model to test the encryption, data transmission, and decryption functions in applications for IoT LoRa Gateway systems. With this initial research, it is possible to apply the AES algorithm to secure data transmission in IoT Gateway systems.

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