Assessment of liquefaction potential of sand distributed in the 1 District, Ho Chi Minh city

- Authors: Hung Van Nguyen 1*, Son Truong Bui 1, Nu Thi Nguyen 1, Luan Nhat Vo 3, Chinh Cong Thi Vo 2, Dat Tuan Nguyen 4
1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Public Office, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
3 Human Resources Training, Construction and Development6 JSC., Company, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
4 Urban Management Office District 4, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: 1 District, Hochiminh City, Liquefaction, Sand.
- Received: 12th-Dec-2022
- Revised: 31st-Mar-2023
- Accepted: 20th-Apr-2023
- Online: 30th-Apr-2023
- Section: Geology - Mineral
Liquefaction of sand is not a rare geological phenomenon. When it happens, it causes great damage to people. However, 1 District, Ho Chi Minh city where despite being a leading economic and political zone of Ho Chi Minh city, where many buildings with different loads and metro lines have been and will be rebuilt, but liquefaction potential has not been assessed. This paper presents a study on liquefaction potential of sand belonging to the Pleistocene sand lithological complex of marine origin on amSQ13 in 1 District, Ho Chi Minh based on standard penetration test (SPT) with different peak ground acceleration scenarios. Research results show that, when the peak ground acceleration amax = 0.0848 g, few points in this area occur liquefaction. However, when peak ground acceleration increased, specifically amax = 0.1 g and amax= 0.15 g, there were 8% and 68% of the survey points in the area where liquefaction occurred, respectively. The study also shows that, with a depth of about 20m, liquefaction in 1 District is still possible with amax = 0.1 g and amax = 0.15 g. The research results contribute to additional references for researchers and urban spatial planning in this area.

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