Controls of normal diagenesis on poroperm parameters in red beds: examples in Miocene Muddy Creek Formation, Mesquite basin, USA and upper Devonian Old Red Sandstone, Orcadian basin, Scotland

- Authors: Tuan Van Pham 1*, John Parnell 2, Adrian Hartley 2
1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Mesquite basin, Normal diagenesis, Old Red Sandstone, Orcadian basin.
- Received: 20th-Jan-2023
- Revised: 26th-May-2023
- Accepted: 20th-June-2023
- Online: 30th-June-2023
- Section: Oil and Gas
General diagenetic patterns in Miocene Muddy Creek Formation and upper Devonian Old Red Sandstone (ORS) can be characterized as follows: i) early diagenesis characterized by the formation of early hematite, carbonate, and clay cement; ii) burial diagenesis followed by the formation of quartz and feldspar overgrowths, poikilotopic calcite and pore-filling clays; iii) late diagenesis characterized by the formation of late hematite replacing previous poikilotopic carbonate cement. Normal diagenesis has a significant impact on poroperm parameters as indicated by the destruction of pore spaces from cementation and intergranular pressure solution. Early cementation in unburied sandstones of the Muddy Creek Formation reduces sample porosities to 2÷20% of the total rock volume. Cementation destroyed the original porosity of studied sandstones through pore occlusion due to the formation of equant and meniscus calcite cement. Point-count data indicate that the intergranular cement of studied samples ranges between 22 and 44%; in contrast, the intergranular porosities range from 2÷20% of the total rock volume. These consequently indicate that the intergranular volumes that are considered to represent the original porosities of studied samples, ranged from 35÷50% of the total rock volume. Completely pore-occluding poikilotopic calcite cement in the upper Old Red Sandstone reduces poroperm values to as low as 5% porosity and 0.003 mD permeability. Late reddening is caused by replacive hematite cement in the calcite. In addition, normal diagenesis also has an impact on porosity enhancement due to dissolution in the studied red beds. This improves porosity and permeability by as much as 14% and 254 mD in the upper ORS.

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