Real-time operating decision support system for reservoir operation using weather forecast and a hydrological model

  • Affiliations:

    1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    2 Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc., Fukuoka, Japan

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 30th-Nov--000
  • Revised: 30th-Nov--000
  • Accepted: 19th-June-2023
  • Online: 30th-June-2023
Pages: 41 - 50
Views: 1613
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This paper presents the application of a real-time decision support system (DSS) for power generation and flood control at the Thac Xang hydropower plant in Lang Son province, Vietnam. The DSS consists of three key components: real-time operation and visualization, forecast, and optimized decision modules. The real-time operation and visualization module provides operators with a graphical interface that displays real-time data on the plant's status, such as water levels, reservoir levels, and power output. The weather forecasting module provides information about future precipitation. This information is used as input data for the inflow forecasting model. The real-time computing module takes into account current conditions, such as the water level in the reservoir to compute relevant variables such as current inflow rate or outflow rates from the reservoir. The simulation module is used to test different operating scenarios taking current and future inflow rates into account. This helps the plant operators to understand the impact of their decisions on the plant's performance. The simulation module can also be used to identify potential problems and develop contingency plans. Therefore, a mathematical model is developed. Particularly, this model uses real-time information of dams. The main objective is to maximize economic value over the time horizon by producing electricity when it is most valuable. An approach of a simulated annealing algorithm is used to solve this model. We also present a decision support software tool for small hydropower systems that provide hydropower equipment operators with the information required to optimize the dam's performance in terms of power efficiency and effectiveness.

How to Cite
Ha, T.Van, Ha, T.Ngoc and Nguyen, K.Duc 2023. Real-time operating decision support system for reservoir operation using weather forecast and a hydrological model. Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 64, 3 (Jun, 2023), 41-50. DOI:

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