Evaluating the power generation capability of devices utilizing piezoelectric materials and the resonance problem

- Authors: Luan Cong Doan*, Giap Van Doan, Thang Hong Thi Le
Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 1st-Nov-2023
- Revised: 21st-Jan-2024
- Accepted: 29th-Jan-2024
- Online: 1st-Feb-2024
- Section: Electro-Mechanics
This paper presents a sophisticated device leveraging piezoelectric materials to seamlessly convert mechanical energy into electricity. This innovation is especially pertinent in meeting the escalating power requirements of smart devices in the dynamic of Industry 4.0. Piezoelectric materials capitalize on the piezoelectric effect, manifesting electricity generation as an external force that induces polarization within the crystal lattice, leading to the accumulation of oppositely charged elements. These specialized materials are affixed to a cantilever beam, fostering consistent oscillations that facilitate a continuous charge flow and, consequently, the generation of a reliable electric current. The oscillations of the cantilever beam embody a fusion of diverse mode shapes, each characterized by distinctive natural frequencies. The resonance phenomenon comes into play when external forces synchronize with these frequencies, thereby inducing maximum stress on the material block. Simultaneously, the voltage produced in the piezoelectric material aligns proportionally with the internal stress, resulting in an augmented power output as the amplitude of external forces increases. The efficacy of the device in power generation is contingent upon two pivotal factors: the resonance frequency of external forces, determined by resonance conditions, and the maximum amplitude, regulated by durability considerations. Although the electrical output may not be voluminous, the device’s unique advantages arising from the inherent properties of the materials and the piezoelectric effect underscore its substantial potential in addressing the intricacies of practical energy challenges.

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