A batch experiment for determining retardation factors of Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ in unsaturated zone of unconsolidated formation in Man Xa and Chau Khe communes, Bac Ninh province

  • Affiliations:

    1 Vietnam Association of Hydrogeology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    2 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    3 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 28th-Feb-2024
  • Revised: 3rd-July-2024
  • Accepted: 20th-Aug-2024
  • Online: 1st-Oct-2024
Pages: 97 - 108
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This paper presents the results of a batch equilibrium adsorption experiment aimed at determining the retardation factors (R) of four heavy metal ions Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+due to their adsorption on soil particles in an unsaturated zone. The experiments were carried out using clay-loam soil samples collected from Man Xa commune, Yen Phong district and Chau Khe commune, Tu Son city, Bac Ninh province, at two depths of 0÷15 cm and 15÷30 cm from the ground surface. The experimental adsorption procedure is followed by the equilibrium adsorption method. Results obtained showed that the adsorption of the 4 ions on soil particles in the two study areas is linear and followed the Freundlich model. This allows one to estimate the retardation factors of the 4 ions based on a model that includes the equilibrium adsorption coefficient (Kd), soil bulk density ((B) and soil porosity ((). The R values of the four ions in the soils of Man Xa and Chau Khe vary from 2.30÷16.27 depending on the nature of the adsorbate. Ion Pb2+ possesses the highest R value for Man Xa soil. The adsorption of Pb2+ is suggested to be followed by both physical and chemo-adsorption mechanisms, it participated in an ion-exchange process with protonium ion of goethite present in the soil, making the R value of the species to be different.

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Dang, N.Duc, Vu, H.Thi, Mai, K.Dinh, Nguyen, K.Van, Nguyen, L.Van, Tran, L.Vu, Duong, T.Thanh Thi, Dao, B.Duc and Kieu, A.Van Thi 2024. A batch experiment for determining retardation factors of Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ in unsaturated zone of unconsolidated formation in Man Xa and Chau Khe communes, Bac Ninh province. Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 65, 5 (Oct, 2024), 97-108. DOI:https://doi.org/10.46326/JMES.2024.65(5).10.

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