Improve efficiency of induced polarization sounding method in exploration of sulfide lead and zinc ore in the high terrain mountain, province K, central Vietnam

- Authors: Hoa Tien Nguyen 1, Nga Trong Nguyen 2
1 Liên đoàn Bản đồ Địa chất miền Nam;
2 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 14th-Feb-2016
- Revised: 12th-Apr-2016
- Accepted: 30th-Apr-2016
- Online: 30th-Apr-2016
- Section: Oil and Gas
The disseminated polymetallic sulfide ore is formed by metasomatic relating volcanic eruptions with a width of about 25-30 m and several kilometers length. Pb - Zn ore zones are characterized by low resistivity from 50 ÷ 200 Ohm.m and high induced polarization ration (IP) from 25 mV/V to 70 mV/V compared to resistivity from 100 ÷ 600 Ohm.m and IP less than 10 mV/V of the host rocks. Thus, the application of the IP method to detect the ore zones is reasonable. The survey area is high mountain terrain, its setting is cleavage and complex. Therefore, we used conjugate pole-dipole electrode in acquisition data to reduce the impact of terrain and to increases reliability of the data. The instrument used for acquisition data is Supersting-8R apparatus 2000W, injection power Imax is 2Ampe. The fieldwork is to follow geophysical norms and qualified control to collect high quality data. We calculated two conventional parameters apparent resistivity and IP. Beside, the ore prospects is defined that allows to eliminate apparent resistivity and IP anomalies unrelated to the ore zones. Our processed data is confirmed by drilling results high ore prospects values are consistent with a high content of ore zones. In the survey area, we defined seven ore zones in both lateral and vertical directions, that can provide useful information to evaluate the mine reserves.

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