Assessment effective dose level in some households in DauCo - DongCuu - ThanhSon - PhuTho
  • Affiliations:

    1 Liên đoàn Địa chất Xạ - Hiếm;
    2 Hội Khoa học Kỹ thuật Địa vật lý Việt Nam;
    3 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất

  • Received: 26th-Feb-2016
  • Revised: 18th-Apr-2016
  • Accepted: 30th-Apr-2016
  • Online: 30th-Apr-2016
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*This article has been corrected. See Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. DOI: 12-Nguyen_Thai_Son_ok__f.pdf


HaThanh - DauCo areas, DongCuu village with radioactive thorium - uranium anomalies within the pegmatite body, radioactive anomalies in granite aplite, pegmatite granite, mica schist amphibolite. Radioactive anomaly in nature mainly thorium, uranium not high. In this work, the external and internal (through breathing and eating) effective dose were estimated based on the measurements of gamma dose rate, radioactive concentration gas of radon and thoron in 42 households and radioactivity analysis of food and water samples in the survey area. The results show that 5/42 of households have indoor gamma dose rate larger than 0.6μSv/h, the level of dose rate from 5.03 to 18.63 mSv/year apprear in 16/42 households, and of which 3 households suffer a larger dose of 10 mSv/year. Thoron radioactivity gas concentrations contributed significantly to the results of internal effective dose and total effective dose in the households where the dose rate is high.

How to Cite
Nguyen, S.Thai, Le, P.Khanh and Nguyen, L.Van 2016. Assessment effective dose level in some households in DauCo - DongCuu - ThanhSon - PhuTho (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 54 (Apr, 2016).

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