Sequence stratigraphy study of Middle and Upper Miocene sections, block 103-107 in Song Hong Basin
  • Affiliations:

    Trung tâm Nghiên cứu Tìm kiếm Thăm dò và Khai thác Dầu Khí, Viện Dầu khí Việt Nam, Việt Nam

  • *Corresponding:
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  • Received: 15th-Jan-2017
  • Revised: 15th-May-2017
  • Accepted: 28th-June-2017
  • Online: 28th-June-2017
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This article interprets sand distribution and charateristics of Upper and Middle Miocene formation within block 103-107, Northern Song Hong Basin, using sequence stratigraphy analysis by intergration of 3D seismic data and some published results from wireline log interpretation and high resolution biostratigraphic analysis. This study divided the formations into 4 sequences within 5 sequence boundaries: Upper Miocene, Upper Miocene 1; Middle Miocene, Middle Miocene 1 and Middle Miocene 2. Intergration of sesmic facies analysis, wireline log data and high resolution biostratigraphic data revealed that the sands within the formations are typically distributed (1) in slope apron systems, (2) in turbidite systems, (3) in deep canyon cut systems and (4) in shelf and shoreface environments. Slope apron systems are well developed within the Middle Miocene section in Eastern study, are area fed by sand-rich supply, and are considered to be good potential reservoirs in this area. Turbidite systems within the Middle Miocene are distributed in Eastern study area, acting as fair potential reservois. Canyon-fill sands at the base of the lower Upper Miocene in North-Eastern study area are regarded as good potential reservoirs, especially the locations fed by sand-rich shelf deposits. Storm-wave based sands in the shoreface and coastal plain environments in North-Eastern study area are also considered to be potential reservoirs within Upper Miocene intervals.

How to Cite
Ho, T.Thi 2017. Sequence stratigraphy study of Middle and Upper Miocene sections, block 103-107 in Song Hong Basin (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 58, 3 (Jun, 2017).

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