Legal work in higher education institutions in Vietnam

- Authors: Nhung Tuyet Thi Duong *, Duong Ngoc Nguyen, Tham Thi Nguyen, Ha Khanh Hoi Vu, Thu Minh Nguyen
Phòng Hành chính -Tổng hợp, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 15th-Jan-2018
- Revised: 20th-Mar-2018
- Accepted: 27th-Apr-2018
- Online: 27th-Apr-2018
- Section: Scientific information
Legal mission is one of the organizational processes undertaken to bring the law into life. The application of the law by agencies or officials who perform the task is not only knowing what the law allows to do but also how to do it properly. Legal work at higher education institutions plays an important role in improving the effectiveness of management activities, ensuring implementation of legality and law. The government has issued Decree No. 55/2011 / ND-CP dated July 4, 2011 regulating the legal work in education institutions. This paper reviews current status of legal work and proposes some solutions to improve the effectiveness of legal work in higher education institutions in Vietnam

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