New results of the study on isotopic age of the Granodiorite of Chu Lai Complex in North Eastern Quang Ngai by U - Pb zircon isotope dating method

1 Trung tâm Phân tích, Thí nghiệm Công nghệ cao, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất;
2 Khoa Khoa học và Kỹ thuật địa chất, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam;
3 Khoa Địa chất, Trường đại học Birkbeck London, U.K
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Tuổi tuyệt đối, Phức hệ Chu Lai, LA - ICP - MS, Đồng vị U - Pb, Zircon
- Received: 11st-Oct-2018
- Revised: 6th-Dec-2018
- Accepted: 28th-Feb-2019
- Online: 28th-Feb-2019
- Section: Geology - Mineral
The Chu Lai - Ba To Complexes is in Kon Tum Massif. This is a large area with long evolutionary and complex history, were recorded many geological, magmatic, tectonic events and associated with the valuable minerals. In the framework of this article, Zircons from the Chu Lai - Ba To Complexes in Bình Nguyên - Quảng Ngãi (QN.05) had the LA - ICP - MS U - Pb analyses clustered at 434.58 ± 1.0 Ma. The age of the Chu Lai - Ba Complexes showing that it is similar with the age of Tra Bong and Dai Loc Complexes in the west and the north - west of region. The similar in the age and the type of granite type S may relative to volcanic arc in the region. It meant that Chu Lai - Ba to Complexes is the result of rigional volcanic arc in the middle of Indochina in Paleozoi era. It might be the result of the formation of Tam Ky - Phuoc son shear zone like other research before. In large scale, it could be the result of colition between indochina block and southchina block

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