Applications of Cationic Polymer drilling fluid in petroleum drilling
- Authors: Tu Van Truong 1 *, Hung Tien Nguyen 1, Kien Dinh Tran 1, Thuy Le Thi Bui 1, Solovev Vladimirovich Nikolay 2, Gajdarov Mitalimovich Azamat 3
1 Khoa Dầu khí , Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam;
2 Russian State Geological Prospecting University;
3 Gazprom Vniigaz
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 9th-Nov-2018
- Revised: 5th-Jan-2019
- Accepted: 28th-Feb-2019
- Online: 28th-Feb-2019
- Section: Oil and Gas
The article focuses on applications of cationic polymer drilling fluid system in petroleum drilling. As a matter of fact, cationic polymer drilling fluid system is more suitable in clay-bearing rocks and salt layers than traditional drilling fluid. This drilling mud has been studied, developed and recommended when penetrating through clay-bearing rocks and salt layers. In this work, the authors analyzed reasonable components of cationic polymer mud program utilized at the Астраханск gas condensate field in Russian. Results were then discussed in order to preliminarily evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.
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