Research and propose suitable foundation solutions for some types of ground structures in Hai Duong city area

  • Affiliations:

    1 DAVICO.JSC, Hai Duong, Vietnam
    2 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    3 Research group of Engineering and Geoenvironment (EEG), Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 10th-Oct-2023
  • Revised: 7th-Jan-2024
  • Accepted: 28th-Jan-2024
  • Online: 1st-Feb-2024
Pages: 47 - 57
Views: 1524
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According to the urban planning up to 2030, Hai Duong City is expanding in both area and scale. In particular, the high-rise building density is planned to increase. However, the soils at Hai Duong city are unfavorable for high-rise building construction because the high-bearing capacity soils are distributed at a great depth, with soft soils above. Therefore, the pile foundation is a feasible solution for high buildings. With the pile foundation, the selection of the load-bearing soil layer, the effective depth of pile tip placement, pile diameter, the number of piles as well as the estimated pile-bearing capacity in accordance with the ground structure are of decisive importance to the effectiveness of the solution. The article uses the Pile and Pile Group modules in the Geo5 Software Suite combined with experimental research results to determine the load-bearing capacity of piles according to different options in three types of ground structures in Hai Duong City area. On that basis, evaluate the reasonableness of pile foundation options for buildings of different sizes based on technical and economic factors (number of piles, settlement, and stability). The results indicated that the effective depths of pile tip are varied from 33 m to 35 m for ground structure types I and II, and are greater than 40 m for ground structure type III. Reasonable pile foundation solutions for each group of buildings and ground structure type are also proposed.

How to Cite
., T.Hong Do and ., P.Van Nguyen 2024. Research and propose suitable foundation solutions for some types of ground structures in Hai Duong city area (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 65, 1 (Feb, 2024), 47-57. DOI:

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