Concrete cement defects, cause and some solutions to prevent, repair

1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 12th-Mar-2013
- Revised: 16th-Apr-2013
- Accepted: 30th-Apr-2013
- Online: 30th-Apr-2013
- Section: Mining Engineering
Cement concrete already and in the process of being important constructon material in capital construction to all sectors of the national economy. During in use has appeared a lot of defects affecting the architectural and ability to work of concrete structure. The main reasons lies in the properties of concrete materials such as bending resistance is poor, the cement hydration reaction, chemical reaction between the mineral component to cause destabilizing volume. This article presents the nature of the mechanism of formation and the development of disability and recommends a number of measures to prevent and overcome the common defects in concrete.

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