Image matching using the vertical line locus (VLL) for the normalized stereo image pair

- Authors: Anh Trung Tran 1
1 Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 20th-Aug-2014
- Revised: 13th-Oct-2014
- Accepted: 30th-Oct-2014
- Online: 30th-Oct-2014
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
This paper presented the effective image matching method for the normalized stereo image pair by using the Vertical Line Locus or VLL approach. The basis of the method is the matching points along the vertical line locus of traces on standardized stereo image pairs. In fact, the choosing conjugate points based on the maximum value of the correlation coefficient ZNCC (Zero-mean Normalized Cross Correlation). This approach can help to optimize the size of window search and improve processing speed in photogrammetry automatic technique.

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