Studying and Evaluating Researched objects In Lack of information enviroment:Applying for Drilling technology process

- Authors: Dao Xuan Tran 1, Vinh The Nguyen 2
1 Liên doanh Việt - Nga Vietsovpetro;
2 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 2nd-Dec-2015
- Revised: 10th-Jan-2016
- Accepted: 30th-Jan-2016
- Online: 30th-Jan-2016
- Section: Oil and Gas
With the characteristic of the oil and gas industry, the study and evaluation of exploration and production objects is performed with high technology facilities and appropriate research methods. However, it cannot be confirmed that the information and data acquired were 100% accurate and fully reflected the researched subjects because researched objects usually lay deeper than 3000m underground, in the environment that has very complex properties of geological, rock, temperature, pressure, fluid, mechanical physic, mechanical chemistry... This can result in reflecting inaccurately the nature of researched objects. Base on communication theory and applying for drilling technology process, the article presents a study and evaluation method of researched objects in above environment. Applying process shows that this study method allows optimal amount of data need to be collected and processed while maintaining objectivity and accurately reflects the nature of the researched objects.

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