Define the deep mineralized zone (Au - Sb) in LangVai - KhuonPhuc area,TuyenQuang province by mean of Tellur method
  • Affiliations:

    1 Liên đoàn địa chất Xạ - Hiếm

  • Received: 18th-Feb-2016
  • Revised: 18th-Apr-2016
  • Accepted: 30th-Apr-2016
  • Online: 30th-Apr-2016
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*This article has been corrected. See Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. DOI: 15-Nguyen_Van_Tuyen__3__R_f.pdf


Magnetotelluric field derived from Latin language, with the word “Tellus” means earth. Origin of this such field is relatve to the interaction between plasma from the Sun and the earth magnetic field, and from the storms in ironosphere. The primary field from these phenomena propagates in the earth’s crust, followed by induced current of geological targets, called “secondary field”. The sum of the two fields is magneto-telluric field. Preliminary results of Tellur data shows deep ore prospects in the study area. The results demonstrate that Tellur method provides important information about the geology and mineralization at the great depth. This advantage surveys at great depth of this method that make it will increasingly be applied in geological studies and mineral resources exploration in our country.

How to Cite
Nguyen, T.Van and Tran, N.Thien 2016. Define the deep mineralized zone (Au - Sb) in LangVai - KhuonPhuc area,TuyenQuang province by mean of Tellur method (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 54 (Apr, 2016).

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