Evaluation of accuracy of the ship-track gravity data measured by YZLS Dynamic Gravimeter

- Authors: Sang Van Nguyen 1, Hanh Van Vu 2
1 Khoa Trắc địa – Bản đồ và Quản lý đất đai, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam;
2 Khoa Kỹ thuật cơ sở địa hình địa chất, Trường Cao đẳng Thủy lợi Bắc Bộ, Việt Nam
- Received: 5th-Nov-2016
- Revised: 10th-Dec-2016
- Accepted: 30th-Dec-2016
- Online: 30th-Dec-2016
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
Method of accuracy evaluation was built based on the theory of errors using gravity variance at the crossover points. From the measuring results we calculate the intersection location and gravity anomalies difference at intersections. If there is no systematic errors, the accuracy is assessed by the method of Gauss. If there are systematic errors, the accuracy is assessed by the method of Betxen. The accuracy can also be assessed by the method of double measurements. From the above theory, the software to measure the accuracy of gravity data was built. The experimental calculations were carried out with gravity data on the surrounding area of Bach Long Vi island comprising 28158 measurement points. These data are measured in 2007 by gravity equipment ZLS Dynamic Gravity Meter D06. The calculated result on these gravity anomaly data has determined 250 crossover points, and the accuracy of these data is +- 1.86mGal

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