Research on replacement process of stone shield for damaged GK frame support

1 Khoa Mỏ, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam;
2 Tổng Công ty Đông Bắc, Tập đoàn Than và Khoáng sản Việt Nam, Việt Nam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Giá khung GK, Tấm chắn trên, Tấm chắn dưới, Gỗ tròn, Đá vách
- Received: 15th-Oct-2016
- Revised: 20th-Feb-2017
- Accepted: 28th-Feb-2017
- Online: 28th-Feb-2017
- Section: Mining Engineering
Applications of the GK frame support for mining operations have improved considerably the working conditions. However, the frame supports are frequently damaged during the operations, especially the stone shield. This shield must be replaced to maintain the working conditions. In this paper, a process is proposed for the replacement of stone shield of the GK frame. The proposed process is validated and applied for mines.

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